
Bhujangasana (Cobra )

Bhujangasana (Cobra ) | Inner Travel
Anahata chakra opening. Or you can start light breathing in and from Ahahata chakra: inhale – take in the suffering of all living creatures in the world, pause – transfer the suffering to Love, exhal…



Location: base of the coccyx Element: Firm solid matter, Earth. Controls bones, nails, hair etc. Bidga mantra: LAM Color: Red Sense organ: […]



Technique: Stand straight in normal stand with palms together in Namaste position at the level of your heart. Raise your hands and stretch the whole body with pleasure. Slowly, carefully and consciously bend your body ahead and down, feeling each vertebra in your spine, starting from the lowest ones.



Technique: Standing with the feet shoulder-width apart, bring your hands to your chest in Namaste position. Try to adjust your mind to […]



Performance: Put your feet up as wide as possible. Should be at least 60 degrees angle between legs, although the ideal posture […]



Strengthens the kidneys and muscles of the back.
Increases mobility of the shoulder joints.
On the mental level harmonizes mind, balancing his lunar and solar aspects, developing intelligence, enthusiasm, helps cheerful mood.


Uddiyana bandha

Draw the abdomen backwards above the navel so that the great bird flies unceasingly upwards. This is Uddiyana bandha, a lion against the elephant of death. When Uddiyana is practiced, liberation arises spontaneously.

asana -vajrasana


“Make thighs hard as diamond, and place the heels under either side of the anus. This is called Vajrasana. This asana gives siddhis (paranormal abilities) to yogis. “Guerande Samhita II.12 Heart in your mind and Mind in your heart

asana - sirsasana


For people who have spine or neck problems, blood pressure (low or high), excessive weight this asana is not recommended at all! […]