Uddiyana bandha


“Draw the abdomen backwards above the navel so that the great bird flies unceasingly upwards. This is Uddiyana bandha, a lion against the elephant of death.”
“This Uddiyana sets itself apart from all bandhas: when Uddiyana is practiced, liberation arises spontaneously.”
Gheranda Samhita


Standing position, feet parallel at shoulder width. Slightly bend your knees and place the palms on the thighs just above the knees with your fingers toward each other.

Relax your abdominal muscles. Back is straight. The head is aligned with the spine.

Exhale deep through the mouth, completely emptying the lungs. Hold your breath.

Pull the belly, expanding the chest and lifting the diaphragm. You can pretend that you breathe without inhaling the air really and that expands the chest and lifts the diaphragm.

Hold the position and holding your breath.

On the strong desire to take a breath, first release the belly, and only after that inhale through the nose !!

Try to breathe smoothly. Hold your breath after inhaling for a comfortable time – this phase usually gives a feeling of pleasant euphoria. Calm down the breath, relax completely.

You can then move on to the next cycle of Uddiyana bandha or end the practice. Do not return right away to the standing position, as it may cause dizziness.

Attention focused:

Focus your attention on the Manipura Chakra, located opposite the navel.


the flow of energy streaming up along the spine from two lowest chakras into the heart chakra and above.


Sublimation of energies of the lower chakras, raising and purifying it in the upper chakras.
It tones the internal organs, removes toxins from the digestive system. It cures constipation, indigestion, colic, gallbladder problems, hernias, ulcers, helps prevent the formation of stones. It improves digestion, cleanses the stomach by gastric stale, strengthens the muscles and nerves in the abdominal area.
Promotes rejuvenation and longevity.

3 thoughts on “Uddiyana bandha

  1. I have gallbladder stone , can I perform uddyana bandh in this condition

    1. You can try 3-5 times a day and if there is no any discomfort then slowly increase the number.
      Also try to disolve the stone(s) with parsley broth: buy fresh parsley bunch, cut upper part with leaves, boil it in 2 literes of water for 20 mnutes, let it get the room temperature and drink 1 glass using cocktail straw 8 times a day every 1,5 hour. Clean the mouth after with clean water each time. Do it ones a week 4 weeks. Then ones a month for 6 months. Then ones in 3 months untill the stone is gone. Good luck.

      1. One more thing. The stones are there because there are some errors in metabolism. To restore the metabolism, to make the chemical processes in the body going right, without mistakes, we need to restore the level of carbon dioxide – CO2 in the body. See Breath->Method Buteyko topics. And the most powerful method for that in yoga is Nadi Shodhana pranayama. If you practice it every day for minimum 15 minutes and do not have hyperventilation in the rest of the day it restores the functions of all body systems and illiminates the reason of stones appearing.

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