Location: base of the coccyx
Element: Firm solid matter, Earth. Controls bones, nails, hair etc.
Bidga mantra: LAM
Color: Red
Sense organ: Smell
Animal: Elephant - a huge unbridled force
Qualities: stability (the basis of physical existence, mental stability), health, body odor
4 petals (4 categories of desires, trends, needs) - the basic human aspirations:
- Kama – Physical desires (primitive instincts), the needs of the physical body: eat, drink, sleep, sexual desire, the desire for security, survival. The basis of the physical animal happiness
- Ardha – Psychological needs (wishes of the mind): money, comfort, travel, entertainment, interesting work, the desire for all kinds of pleasures and so on. Desires are directed to external objects. Satisfaction of these needs gives a feeling of short and weak happiness.
- Dharma – Psycho-spiritual needs (the ethereal need for happiness): immersion in oneself and the discovery of the inner infinity of the mind and consciousness, achieved through spiritual practices, melitations, and also through painting, dance, poetry, literature, science, abstract thinking, humor, service to the world, psychedelic drugs, extreme sports and so on. Stop and go beyond the limits of habitual thinking. This gives a strong and deep feeling of happiness.
- Moksha – The need for peace and balance: a state where all other needs disappear, the state of dissolution of the individual in the universal, and impeccable happiness ensues, independent of anything external or even internal.
The positive attributes of the Muladhara Chakra are vitality, vigor and growth. The negative qualities are laziness, inertia, strong ego and domination by one's physical desires.
The well-developed, open Muladhara chakra provides an awareness of these four trends and sets the direction to their satisfaction, which means integrity and fullness of life.
People who have only the first two petals active are usually unhappy and dissatisfied, because entire life and all efforts are directed at satisfying what can not be satisfied once and for all. We always want to eat and drink, to have new things - better and more. There is no end to this.
Kundalinī Shakti (spiritual energy) has its roots in the Mūlādhāra Chakra, but it is in a deep, motionless sleep.
- Fix your attention on Muladhara and repeat the mantra LAM loud or in your mind.
- While meditating, focus your attention on the tip of your nose to balance your root chakra.
Asanas for Muladhara: