The world is incredibly complex and we don’t know the future. Therefore, we are not able to evaluate and calculate all the consequences of our choices and decisions.
We don’t know the meaning of human life why we came here and what our ultimate goal is.
Continuation of the race, peocreation cannot be the meaning because it is the meaning of the race, and not of us as individual beings. This is the meaning of life for an anthill, a caterpillar or a butterfly. Therefore, we do not see the whole picture of the world and our destiny and cannot make decisions in accordance with our destiny, about which we know nothing.
Our perception is very narrow and flawed .We perceive only a tiny material part of the world and do not perceive energy, fields and even more subtle substances that make up 99% of the universe. When we make a decision, we have no idea how it affects the universe, and how the universe will react to our decisions and actions, and how it will turn out for us.
Without knowing the future, without understanding the meaning of our existence, with very limited information about ourselves and the universe, we have no idea what is truly good and bad for us. Our system of values and values is based on social rules and attitudes that are based on the idea of procreation and the suppression of individuality. We are taught that happiness is in a family and children and in the number of things we collect, money, houses etc. But there is no happiness for us in there. That is why we do not see a single happy person around us and we ourselves are unhappy.
How can you make the right choice in such a dramatic, seemingly hopeless situation? Let’s try to find this method that takes into account and resolves all the above contradictions and obstacles. Here I will only scratch the surface of the solution to the problem. To deeply understand the proposed solution, you need to find the answer and understand the questions at the end of this article.
So how does our human culture suggests us to make choices? We are taught to make decisions using our minds and the system of human values instilled in us by society/culture: emotional or rational choice. Both methods use human mind, because emotion is also the product of the mind. There is a huge difference between a feeling and an emotion. Feeling is direct knowledge in which the mind does not participate. (See: Emotions and Feelings). Emotion is a pure product of human conditioning behind which there is always an idea, an assessment tied to a person’s value system.
There are three ways to make a choice:
– Choices based on emotion. It leads to mistakes in 95% of the cases.
He slept with my wife and I will slit my wrists or hack him/her to death with an axe. They called me a fool and my mood was ruined – a wrong choice. I’m wasting my energy and ruining my day. Buddha taught never to make emotional decisions: postpone your reaction until the next day.
– Rational choice based on analysis, compiling lists of pros and cons, analyzing similar situations, listening to advices and opinions.
I estimate that this method fails in 70% of the cases. The human level of thinking is very low. Logical thinking is able to take into account 3-4 facts in order to get a more or less correct conclusion. The mind is trained to create primitive neural networks that are designed to make quick decisions (quick thinking): the lion attacks – the body runs/shoots/climbs a tree. The signal travels through the network in a split second, and the body reacts. This method is created for simple survival, and not for searching for the meaning of life and finding harmony with the world. It is not at all suitable to make decisions in situations with more than three factors. But almost any situation has thousands of causes and consequences that quick thinking cannot take into account. The world is irrational, the law of cause and effect does not work here, as we have been taught to think. Society teaches us this way of making decisions bwcause it does not know the more powerful way inherent in humans – feeling/intuition.
– Choice based on feeling/intuition.
The probability of error is 0%. We were never taught to feel. We were taught only to think, and even that very poorly. The mind is used by society/culture to carry out programs embedded in the memory of the child. The child is not taught how to use the mechanism of feelings, but only to memorize and follow the rules and values of a given culture. That is why the average person is so similar to a machine/robot living in a world of thoughts and emotions, in a virtual world, divorced from reality. But only in reality there is life, energy and happiness. Modern man knows only primitive feelings such as sensations: taste, pain, smell. sexual desire, touch, vision and hearing. The human form is a subtle instrument capable to feel all vibrations of the universe if it was developed in this direction. Many examples of a subtle sense of the world can be found in the animal world: cats know about approaching earthquakes or floods, dogs feel the fear of another creature. The potential range of a human ability to feel is enormous: from the internal state of other beings to the feeling of unconditional love, which is the perception of a united Consciousness/God spilled throughout the universe.
Feeling is direct knowledge, intuition, which gives us a clear answer – Right / Wrong – when making any decision.
This is direct knowledge taking into account all the millions of factors influencing the event and the consequences of the decision made. It’s like listening to the world, which itself will tell you the most harmonious and correct decision. There are very few people who have developed the ability of subtle feeling. But even in our undeveloped state, we are able to make decisions by listening to the signals of our intuition.
How to do it? How to develop intuition and the ability to feel yourself and the world?
What prevents us from feeling the world?
An endless stream of thoughts and useless emotions. They are like a screen obscure the real world from us, carry us away into memory of the past or future, placing our perception in a virtual dead world of repeating images, thoughts and emotions. The difference between a feeling and an emotion enormous. When we feel, we are always in the present moment and there are no thoughts. We are alive in a living world. Any emotion is generated by a thought and causes a flow of other thoughts, taking us away from reality into virtuality. Feeling is always silent and comes from reality. It is impossible to feel in virtuality. In reality, it is impossible to experience emotions, because emotion is a conditioned subjective assessment – good/bad, like/dislike. But the world is as it is – it is perfect, filled with life and energy, happiness, beauty and freedom. It is alive. And I am alive if I am the one with it but not in my own virtual reality of thoughts and emotions.
Therefore, the first step is to understand that in our world of thoughts and emotions there is no meaning, joy, life and happiness.The importance of emotions and human values is greatly exaggerated.To think and experience emotions mean to be dead.To be present (what means Presence) here and now in full contact with our Self and the world, not paying attention to thoughts and emotions is the only life that is given to us.This is meditation.
The second step is to direct attention to yourself, to your condition and state of mind.
Become very attentive to inner feelings. You need to learn to distinguish feelings from emotions. An emotion always has a reason, a thought, an idea. Irritation, resentment, envy, the joy of winning the lottery – these are all emotions that only waste your energy and destroy your physical body. The feeling has no apparent cause, is not determined by primitive thought or human system of values. The depth of feeling is determined by the level of development of our individual soul. For example, a subtle developed person, being in a state of Presence, feels unconditional happiness. By listening to our feelings constantly, ignoring emotions and thoughts we are able to make the right decisions. For example, when communicating with a person a feeling of danger or discomfort may arise for no apparent reason. This is your intuition warning you – leave, run, change the situation.
The ability to feel must be trained/developed. Listening to your inner state, try to record its changes. Try to feel the state of a tree, a bird, a dog, a neighbor, a fish, an ant. For example, one day I was standing with a basket of laundry, waiting for an elevator. Some woman came up with a basket of laundry and silently stood next to me. I felt a strong change in my mood—tension and anxiety for no reason. I was amazed by the power of the change of my state. We are energy beings and are able to sense energy – its movement and quality. The world is woven from Consciousness and energy. It interacts with our bodies (physical and energetic), constantly changing energy balance and state. The human form allows us to feel not only energy, but also life itself – Consciousness. Having developed ability to feel, we will endlessly expand our perception and expand the boundaries of our world. Let’s stop living like ants in an area of 10×10 meters, not in a glass of water, but in the boundless ocean of life.
How to make decisions?
If you are attentive and aware, then current decisions will be obvious. Who to communicate with, where to go, right or left, what to do or not to do. For example, when you meet a young man, do not be impressed so much by his athletic figure and blue eyes. Listen to the feeling you get in his presence. Stop your thoughts, squint/unfocused your eyes (imperceptibly), and you will get a clear feeling of how much joy or pain the relationship with him will bring you. At first this intuitive feeling is very weak. It’s easy to miss or not to believe it. But as you grow spiritually your ability to feel the world will increase. The feeling will become completely clear and strong.
When making more complex decisions that involve a large/infinite number of factors, sit in a meditative position.
Through observing your breathing calm down your mind. As you continue to look within try to enter the state of silence/emptiness. Ask a question but don’t let your mind get involved and start discussing and analyzing it. Just wait and listen without expectations. If thoughts or emotions come, ignore them.
If the question is a Yes/No type the feeling will come first. Your intuition will definitely let you know whether it’s worth doing or not.
And then a flow of thoughts and ideas will open, often new and unexpected, clear points for and against. And the solution will become completely obvious and simple.
If the problem is more complex sit in silence for at least 30 minutes.
Then set your topic in your mind. The mind will begin to speak but you remain an observer, do not engage in dialogue with it. Just listen to thoughts as an outside observer. If your mind wanders bring it back to your topic. If the mind has become too active, switch back to observing the breath.
If meditation of this type does not produce result it is advisable to repeat it several times with an interval of two to three days.
For a clear understanding of what the universe is and what we are all doing here, it is important to find answers and understand the following questions:
– What is life? What is the difference between living and dead?
– What is a human being?
– What is a personality?
– What is the cause of human suffering?
– What is a soul?
– Is there a meaning of human life?
– Who am I?
– What is God?