Emotions and feelings

A social person is full of wrong ideas about himself and the world. The misunderstanding of nature and essence of emotions is one of the main sources of human suffering. Understanding the fact that emotion is a falsification, substitution, a surrogate for feelings, frees us from a serious attitude to emotions, from the idea of its high value, and as a result, makes us free, calm and happy.

What is the difference between emotion and feeling?

To understand the nature of feelings and emotions and the huge difference between them, it is necessary to understand how the perception of living beings works.

What is perception

Our universe is made of Consciousness. Every object of the universe, stone or wave, matter or energy, is a form woven from Consciousness. Consciousness has no properties that could be perceived by human, we percieve it as nothingness. It is one, invisible, motionless, eternal, infinite, unchangeable, there is no space and time in it. It is very similar to the vacuum of interplanetary space, which we perceive as emptiness. But modern physics has come to the conclusion that the vacuum produces matter and energy. I think that the vacuum is a mediator between Consciousness and the physical world. It works like portal and produces space and time, filling it with energy and matter. I call these portals White Holes, which are the opposite of Black Holes, which consume space and time along with all its content. In the physical manifestation of Consciousness, which we call the universe, there are always two opposite processes: creation and destruction, birth and death, yin and yang. White Holes, scattered throughout the universe, create new space, which leads to the expansion of our universe, and Black Holes collapse, dissolve physical forms, return matter, energy, time and space into the state of Consciousness. The balance between the two opposing processes of creation and destruction determines whether the universe will expand or collapse.

Consciousness has the only property – self-awareness, it is aware of its own existence. This is the property that alone can define Life – the feeling of existence, pure being. The creation of the universe from Consciousness occurs every time (this is a repeated process of creation, formation and destruction) due to the coarsening of pure Consciousness. First, Consciousness coarsens to the Mind and the subtlest vibrations of consciousness. This separation from Consciousness creates a universal feeling of I, which arises as a result of the separation of the Mind from the unified Consciousness. Then the Mind creates space and time, filling it with more and more coarse objects. The coarser the object the less it is aware of itself, the less Life in it.

The perception of any living being is based on the property of self-awareness. The Universe seems as it glows, oozes with consciousness and at the same time is aware of itself at every point. The higher advanced living entity is the more complex form it possesses. Complex forms are endowed with mechanisms of perception of Consciousness diffused in the world to be aware of other forms and even to be aware of their own existence as the feeling of I AM. The coarser the form the stronger the feeling of separation from Consciousness and the world, the separation of individuality. The process of perception of a human or any other living creature is based on the ability of its form to be included in the process of self-awareness of the universe, which occurs always and everywhere (awareness of awareness). So in the human form, the individual soul (Atman) translates this ability to perceive and interact with objects through the senses of the physical and more subtle bodies of the human. There is a narrowing, projection of awareness to the feeling of a specific object, form.


We know 5 senses. With their help, we perceive the world around us: we look at it, listen to it, smell the world, taste and touch it. These are perfect tools for exploring and studying the world around us. But they are not developed enough in human. We only use gross forms of feeling based on the lower chakras. If we develop subtle feelings raising perception to the higher chakras, we will be able to penetrate into the essence of things, perceive the entire universe. Thus, the well-developed sense of touch will allow us to feel gravity – the touch of the planets and the sun. The well-developed taste will allow us to feel harmony / disharmony in everything that surrounds us. We are able to feel the approaching of an earthquake, like cats, see energy, feel the mood of people, plants and animals. The developed sexual feelings will take us to intercourse with God or Consciousness, a sense of the unity of all that exist. Sex with God (Oneness) is the most amazing experience of a human being. There is still a huge (infinite) number of feelings that we have, but we are not aware about them, because no one taught us how to feel them. We were tought only to emotion, how to survive. There is a technique in yoga called Samyama, when a person directs all his attention to a living object and begins to perceive the world as this being: to feel the world as a dragonfly, elephant or bird, or as an enlightened person. Having begun to learn to feel, we discover in ourselves the infinite ability to feel, expand our perception and the world.

  1. When a person feels, thinking turns off. Listen, touch, peer, taste, smell with full attention and you will find that there are no thoughts during the process of feeling. Thoughts do not allow you to feel, distract, it is the noise that does not allow you to focus your attention on feeling. When we get lost in the forest, we stop our body and thoughts, freeze internally and redirect all our attention to listening trying to hear the noise of the road or people.
  2. Feeling is direct knowledge, direct awareness. To find out the temperature of an object, you need to touch it. Thinking is turned on just after the feeling to interpret the information received in direct way. Feeling is a mechanism of pure awareness in the human body, perception of the world which is direct and unclouded by the personal mind. It is out of time in the eternal Now.
  3. Feeling is always here and now. It is impossible to feel in the future or in the past, because it will be a memory of the past or a projection of the mind into the future, thinking but not feeling. It will be an emotion.
  4. Feeling is never conditioned. The process of feeling is always unique, fresh and inimitable because there is no mind and its interpretations, which replaces the real object of feeling with an image taken from memory. First, we feel (aware of), and only after that the conditioned mind turns on in order to recognize the object of feeling as known, based on memory, past experience and human conditioning.
  5. The feeling process does not waste vital energy. Vice versa. This is a deep meditation that harmonizes and saturates the whole system which is called a human with prana. Energy arises from the silence and fills the body. Fine tuning to the object of feeling takes place. Emotion always depletes, empties energetically because it is directed outside. It creates a powerful flow from the body, throws a lot of energy into the outside world.
  6. Pure awareness (feeling) is the source of unconditioned happiness. The more developed our ability to feel, to turn off the thinking totally, the deeper we are able to plunge into the emptiness and silence of Consciousness, which is a source of endless energy, unconditional Love and happiness. Mind and ego (personality) no longer obscure the radiance of the world, Maya (illusion) collapses.


Emotions are much more familiar to us. Human life is full of emotions. But what are our emotions?

Emotion is the movement of energy in the energy body, an automatic reaction to a thought, idea, situation, or any kind of human conditionings taken from memory of the past experience. It is a creation of thinking and memory, a program of behavior and reactions that is completely automatic.

Unlike feelings, which stop thinking, emotions strengthen the thinking process which further stimulates the flow of emotion-specific energy.

Emotion always has a cause, it is always conditioned by an idea, a situation, or a habitual reaction. It is always based on the memory of past experiences. All human fears are emotions. The child has no fears. He is handsome and fearless. Fear is transmitted from the mother who grabs the child, fearing that he will fall or be hit by a car. Fear appears in situations where the child is hurt, or there is aggression or other strong negative emotions in the people or animals around him. An emotion of fear is attached to each such situation. The fear reaction is recorded in memory and repeated every time in a similar situation.
How can you get rid of all fears at once, including the fear of death, which is also just an emotion? To deeply understand that emotions are an atavism that comes from childhood. This is a mechanism that no longer has value for an adult, an experience of the past that is no longer applicable to the present. From this experience, it is necessary to leave only the informational part – “Don’t jump from the roof of a 25-storey building”, and simply drop the emotion itself like old shoes. And this applies to all emotions, including positive ones. They all have to be discarded, because they are always mechanical, unconscious, and there is no benefit from them, but only the strengthening of the ego and a waste of energy.
  1. Emotions and thinking are tools for survival. Every child of any living creature must quickly learn the art of survival in this cruel world. Insects, plants and some animals have a built-in survival program and do not need parenting. Mammals and other more complex living organisms are born completely defenseless, without the skills and knowledge necessary for survival. They need parents who teach them through the development of the language of communication, thinking and emotions. Children copy the behavior of their parents, and the parents encourage or punish them, using affection and love for the first and pain and fear for the second. The child remembers situations and correct behavioral reactions. Particularly memorable are lessons where feelings were used – approval or fear. These are our strongest emotions – attachments and fears for the rest of our life. With almost every situation or object of the external world, we have some kind of pleasant or negative emotion associated. Even with such simple notions of the world as, for example, “the sky is blue”, we experience a slight pleasant emotion. In humans, a huge amount of emotions are associated with social contacts. It is necessary for survival in society. During childhood, thinking and emotions are necessary for the survival of the species.
  2. Mother’s breast milk is the best food for a baby. But as soon as the mother stops feeding the child with milk, after 3-4 months the child’s body stops producing the hormone that allows the assimilation of milk. From this point on milk becomes toxic to the body. It is the same with thinking and emotions. Emotional learning for a child should be stopped at about 5 years of age. He is already adapted enough for survival, and it is necessary to start teaching him to feel the world. Feelings are the only and very powerful tool for knowing yourself and the world. Thinking is the very weak tool that is needed only at the initial stage of a person’s life. It should also be discarded and used only for its intended purpose – for solving simple practical problems, such as buying a plane ticket or counting money. The child needs to develop feelings as an instrument of understanding and communication with the world, intuition. Thinking is capable of solving only logical problems with 2-3 factors. Intuition is able to solve problems and understand situations with an infinite number of factors, because it sees the whole situation as a whole and get direct knowledge from the universe. The child needs to be taught to meditate and remove all conditionings that is not necessary for social life, replacing all social rules with a feeling of Oneness with all living beings, love.
  3. Instead, the child begins to believe that he is a person, and life consists of external events accompanied by thoughts and emotions, continuing the survival training program. He believes that emotions are feelings. He never again begins to feel life, to feel himself and the world, continuing as a machine to automatically react emotionally to external situations and thoughts conditioned by the system of values imposed on him in childhood.
  4. Emotions drain our energy body. Strong emotions are followed by fatigue, weakness and loss of strength.
  5. Emotions get in the way of solving situations and problems. Often they do not allow to make reasonable wise decisions, but impulsive ones, which you later regret. But the main thing is that this is the absolutely waste of energy and strength. When I feel hurt and unhappy, this does not help to solve situation or problem. To find solution we usually need some constructive actions and approaches but not self-pity or anger.
  6. Emotions are essential when raising young children. It is not proper for an adult to have emotions. Wisdom, inner peace and harmony, understanding, subtle feeling and intuition are assumed.
  7. An emotional person is never in a state of Presence, Here and Now. It is always a virtual reality of thoughts and images. He is mostly in the past or future.
  8. Emotions waste enormous amounts of energy and destroy our physical body.
  9. Emotions are the main source of human suffering. They amplify the negative vibrations caused by negative thoughts.

Human emotions are harmful for grown up person.  Together with constant useless thinking they cover the reality and screen Atman preventing us to be in natural state of pure consciousness, to be complete and happy, they take away our life.


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